
San Cristobal de las Casas

After Puerto Escondido, we picked up compadre Chris Hicks who was out to join us for a week - his first stop on a two month round the world trip in between jobs. We stayed first in the pretty and super touristy mountain town of San Cristobal de Las Casas.




2 days in San Cristobal, and we set off to the ancient mayan ruins of Palenque, one of Mexico's most famous tourist attractions.  We stopped at Agua Azul, one of three beautful waterfalls en route to Palenque.



Given there was now 3 of us, we stepped up to a luxury room at a lodge near Palenque and settled down for a beer.  Chris was immediately put to work and started chopping away at vegetables we'd bought in the market earlier on.  6 beers, 2 bottles of wine and 4 hours later, rice and chilli a la Hicks was served using our butane powered pocket rocket stove.  using the age old chef's secret of starving and inebriating your guests, the food was gleefully devoured.  then out came a bottle of tequila and when mg when to get something from the car, he noticed 4 large birds perched on the bonnet of the car.  there is no way one can relate quite how intensely funny this was, but fortunately we grabbed a camera and took a few hundred photos of the fat friendly little birds which were sweetly shitting away all over the bull bar.  if it wasn't for the photographic evidence, would have wondered whether a hallucinogenic mescal worm had somehow made it's way into that tequila bottle.



A little worse for wear the next morning, but armed with bottles of water, we set off for the ruins.  Brought alive by our ex-alcoholic/narco guide Nacho whose english vocabulary astounded us with words like onomatopoeia and other very big words, the day was a fascinating insight into mayan life and the rare moments of shade provided a welcome respite for chris' hot and cold flushes.



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