Mexico City

MG's hand had not healed correctly, so we flew to Mexico City to visit a good surgeon to deal with it properly.  The ABC hospital is incredibly modern, incredibly clean and incredibly expensive.  Travel insurance fitted the bill for Dr F to re-cut the wound, insert 5 deep stitches and 20 higher level ones.  While it healed, we spent a few days exploring the city...



zocalo (central sq) in historic centre. huge!

From LP: In the early 14C worries of Culhuacan on the Southern shore launched an attack on the Tepanecas, their chief rivals, taking the aztec mercenarys as slaves. Eventually the Aztecs played the same role for their new masters and Cocoxtli, ruler of Culhucan, sent them into battle into nearby Xochimilco. The aztecs delivered 8000 human ears to Cocoxtli as proof of their victory. When the aztecs sought a marriage alliance with Culhucan, Cocoxtli rashly offered his daughters hand to their chieften. When he arrived at the wedding banquet, his pride turned to horror; a dancer was garbed in the flayed skin of this daugther, who had been sacrificed to Huizilopochtli. Fleeing from the vengeful wrath of Culhacan the Aztecs wandered around the swampy fringes of the lake finally reaching an island near the Western shore around 1325. There, according to legend, they witnessed an eagle standing on a cactus and eating a snake, interpreted as a sign to build a city, now Mexico City (and eagle & snake on national flag)


Las Vegas 22aug05-25aug05

A couple of happy birthday text exchanges with Matt Wood revealed he was spending his 30th 'working' in Vegas, en route to some big kahuna conference in colorado.  No more than 3 hours later, we were on board Mexicana flight 998, destination vegas.  We surprised Matt and Paul at their dinner table in Rumjungle with a bottle of champagne, and it was downhill from there.  Vegas is somewhat overwhelming no matter where you've turned up from, but the contrast with the experience of our recent travels made it even more so.  VIP this, champagne that, split these aces, hail that cab... we had a brilliant whirlwind of a time and by the third day we were knackered and ready to go back.


big hair and big time





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